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Spanish AMP Core Curriculum Book

Spanish AMP Core Curriculum Book
Spanish AMP Core Curriculum Book
This participant book is translated in Spanish and accompanies the Aging Mastery ProgramŽ (AMP), a comprehensive and fun approach to living that celebrates the gift of longevity. The 10-class program combines goal setting, daily practices, and peer support to help participants make meaningful changes in their lives. Central to the AMP philosophy is the belief that modest lifestyle changes can produce big results and that people can be empowered to cultivate health and longevity. 

Topics in this book range from exercise and nutrition to money management, advance planning, healthy relationships, and community engagement. Each chapter aligns with the overarching goal of helping people build their own playbook for aging well. 

All facilitator materials are available in the AMP Community Site. There is no separate Facilitator Guide for this product. 

You must have a valid AMP license number to purchase this Core Curriculum book. You can find your AMP license number in the AMP Community Site

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AMP Core Curriculum

Spanish AMP Core Curriculum Book
Spanish AMP Core Curriculum Book
National Council on Aging - Aging Mastery Program®
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